Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 With so much socializing done online it's often quite difficult to meet new people and form real connections.  It can be awkward to talk to someone in real life, or add someone to your social network whom you've never actually met.  We don't have a solution for the first part (yet), but we're hoping Bunchify will at least solve the latter.

You will be offered to log in with your Facebook account (ease of use and authentication, we will be adding Twitter and Google accounts after the beta launch). We will borrow only necessary information (name, profile picture, and email address). Once logged in you will be presented with a bunch of interests to choose from. After you choose a bunch (ok I'll stop) of interests you can fill out a quick introduction about yourself and add some links to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ profiles.  On to the homepage! The homepage will consist of posts, links and discussions from other people who share your same interests. A directory will also be available on the homepage showing you who on Bunchify shares the most interests (location will play a part in this directory after launch).

Now, that's not it. Let's say you find someone whose posts and discussions you really enjoy. You may view their profile and request to be "cool" with them (the cool button will also add the person to a favorites list for viewing posts). If someone requests to be cool with you, there is no pressure to accept, simply click not now and you don't have to worry about it. But, if you do want to be cool with that person, it allows for more interaction between the both of you; real-time chat and messaging.

Bunchify is going to be a fun and easy place to meet like minded people. The beta will be rolling out in the next few days. We really hope you all like it!


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